Former WWE superstar Buff Bagwell — Marcus Bagwell — was arrested this past week on charges of driving under the influence and speeding, according to The Georgia Gazette.
Bagwell was arrested on Thursday, November 16, 2023, in Cobb County. According to the Cobb County Sheriff’s Office database, Bagwell was charged with Driving Under the Influence of Drugs and Speeding, both of which are misdemeanors.
This isn’t the first time that Buff Bagwell has been arrested this year. In July, the former WWE star was arrested for speeding and driving under the influence charges. He was released a few days later, and subsequently made statements on the matter. Bagwell noted that he had been sober for 11 months and that the arrest was for a previous offense.
“Just wanted to clarify to everyone that I am 11 months sober (tomorrow). I see there is news out that I had to spend time in jail for a DUI,” he said at the time. “But this was from the original offense years ago. I did get a recent sanction because I didn’t document a recent trip out of state properly.”
Buff Bagwell commented on the November 16 arrest, stating that it was once again a similar situation as the July incident.
Still sober despite the reports,” Bagwell wrote on Twitter. “Unfortunately whenever I get a violation in the DUI Court Program it lists my original offense from 3 years ago. I did serve 24 hours for losing my temper Thurs-Fri and I’m working keeping my cool every day.