The actress talked about her love life, even revealing the most romantic thing a man has ever done for her! Check out what she had to say!
During Drew Barrymore‘s newest episode of Dear Drew, which you can check out on Entertainment Tonight every Thursday, Drew answered questions about her former relationships from fans.
That being said, the actress did not shy away from answering them, sharing, among other things, the qualities that can make her fall for someone.
One of the questions that she totally loved to hear was: ‘What is the most romantic thing that a guy’s done for you?’
Drew replied that ‘I had to play Meg White in the White Stripes with Jimmy Fallon on Saturday Night Live, and I just happened to be dating this drummer for some years, Fabrizio Moretti of The Strokes. He taught me to play the song [Seven Nation Army] and to do the beat. He taught me all week in anticipation of the show. That, I thought, it was really romantic. To get to learn this skill that I didn’t really have.’
Another question from a fan was on love at first sight and whether or not the actress believes in its existence.
Drew did not hesitate to tell them that ‘I totally do’ before going on to explain: ‘I don’t know what it is, but I do believe that we’re drawn to certain people. I do think it is hard in the dating app world – because I tend to be more personality first, looks second – but there is no doubt that we’re weak in the knees upon pupils landing on another person. There is no doubt in my mind that we can fall prey to some serious chemistry upon first sight. We’re chemically attracted to certain people and it’s so cool.’
For other questions and answers, make sure to check out the full episode of Dear Drew!