The remaining contenders chasing the coveted Mirrorball Trophy danced their hearts out Monday night.
Each celebrity took on an empowering routine that gave us a closer look into their everyday lives, reflecting on pivotal and emotional moments from their most distinguished times. In the future, Dancing with the Stars’ producers should probably think about renaming the evening “Cry Like A Baby Night” because that’s all we did between the powerful video packages and captivating performances.
Normani and Val- Rumba
Normani shared that her most notable year was 2012 when Fifth Harmony first formed on X-Factor. With the other three girls by her side on the dance floor, giving a live-performance of “Impossible,” Normani told her story alongside Val. Len called Normani a terrific dancer with great, charismatic personality. Since the couple is no longer traveling back and forth across the world, he advised Val to add more content into their next dance and would like just a “little more.” Julianne referred to Normani as a powerhouse, saying she dances like her career depended on it and thought their rumba was well done. Bruno expressed that the singer was a diva on overdrive, finding Val almost unnecessary during the dance. Carrie Ann agreed with Julianne and really believes in Normani, but wishes they would have withheld from the lift. rolls eyes
Carrie Ann- 8, Len- 7, Julianne- 8, Bruno-9 = 32/40
Nick and Peta- Rumba
Just weeks ago, Nick found love as the Bachelor and it became an unforgettable moment in his life. Him and Peta recreated his time on the show, dancing a sexy rumba to Ed Sheeran’s “Shape Of You.” Nick’s fiancé Vanessa even had a romantic cameo. Julianne thought it was his best dance yet and would like him to keep up this work. Bruno felt something new stirring inside Nick and knows he felt it too, taking into account the connection he made with the dance. His only criticism is that he still has jagged hips from time to time. Carrie Ann thought the beginning was a bit rough, but once Nick and Peta became a couple, that’s when it became magical. She also commended Peta’s choreography Len said there is still ways to go, but it was hands down his best dance yet.
Carrie Ann- 8, Len-7, Julianne-8, Bruno- 7 = 30/40
Nancy and Artem- Foxtrot
In her video package, Nancy revealed that she had six miscarriages in eight years; however, always envisioned herself having three children. Her stunning performance to “My Wish” by Rascal Flatts showcased her strength to keep trying. Bruno thought there was an amazing dynamic flow and lyricism. Carrie Ann believes Nancy has such an inspiring vulnerability and not only did she touch her, but she touched everyone else. Len explained that after that foxtrot, the former Olympian moved from the pack to being a frontrunner. Len took the words right out of Julianne’s mouth, who praised Nancy and Artem’s partnership. The purity and child’s innocence within their performance blew her away. She thought it was absolutely beautiful.
Carrie Ann- 8, Len-9, Julianne-8, Bruno-8 = 33/40
Mr. T and Kym- Waltz
In 1991, Mr. T was diagnosed with cancer. It was his belief in God in which he has held responsible for getting him through such a life-threatening obstacle. Accompanied by Kym, he danced a spiritual waltz to “Amazing Grace. Carrie Ann, like us, was fully teary-eyed after the performance. She said Mr. T’s faith radiated out of him, calling it gallant and full of grace. Len joked that Mr. T and Kym are the “A-Team.” He commended Kym for working well with her partner, also pointing out that he admires Mr. T more than any other celebrity in the competition. Julianne called their waltz breathtaking, recognizing how evident Mr. T’s story was out on the floor. Bruno agreed with his fellow judges and couldn’t add much more other than the former actor has a heart of gold and is a good man.
Carrie Ann- 7, Len- 7, Julianne- 7, Bruno – 7 = 28/40
Heather and Alan- Cha Cha
With Maks still injured, Alan continued to assist Heather and helped tell her story. The Glee star revisited 2015 when she married her husband and had her son Eli. Her energetic Cha Cha to “Shut Up and Dance” by Walk The Moon represented her family’s new beginnings. Len called it sharp, crisp and loved the routine. He referred to the routine as “lovely.” Julianne seconded that notion and thought the choreography was amazing, bringing so much life and fun. She thought the technique was spot on as well. Bruno wants to marry both Heather and Alan after that performance. He thought they painted a picture of the perfect couple in perfect harmony. Carrie Ann loves how much brighter Heather’s light gets every week; however, let the pair know that she deducted a point for a lift. rolls eyes yet again
Carrie Ann- 8, Len- 9, Julianne- 9, Bruno- 9 = 35/40
David and Lindsay- Viennese Waltz
In David’s final year playing baseball, the Chicago Cubs won the World Series for the first time in over 100 years, making 2016 the most epic year he could ever imagine. This week, the retired athlete and Lindsay danced a Viennese Waltz to “Forever Young.” David showcased a much more serious side, delivering a solid performance. Julianne called his spirit and energy contagious, but thought the routine was “skippity” here and there. Bruno thought there was wonderful dynamic executed, but says David needs to correct the way he hops when he should be floating. Len threw up baseball signals David’s way, but no one actually knew what he was even trying to say, including the pro himself.
Carrie Ann- 7, Len- 8, Julianne- 8, Bruno- 8 = 31/40
Rashad and Emma- Contemporary
Rashad opened up about his father’s struggles with alcohol and isolation from his son. After having a stroke, Rashad’s father was forced to have his leg amputated. When this occurred, the free agent put football on the back-burner to focus on his family and relationship with his father. Rashad and Emma danced a breathtaking contemporary routine to “Unconditionally” by Katy Perry that left everyone mesmerized. Bruno said he wasn’t watching dance, but two artists expressing the most beautiful form of art. Carrie Ann believes Rashad is a born dancer and he missed his calling. Len loved the concept and emotion, calling their dance fantastic. Julianne had no words for how she was feeling after watching Rashad’s routine. Choked up, she simply thanked him for putting it all out there for everyone.
Carrie Ann- 10, Len- 9, Julianne- 10, Bruno- 10 = 39/40
Erika and Gleb- Cha Cha
In 1989, Erika took her big dreams and moved to New York City. Although success was not easy, it was that much sweeter when it came her way. Her and Gleb danced to Madonna’s “Express Yourself,” dedicating the performance to anyone willing to pursue their passions. Carrie Ann loves how Erika performs with no apologies and is bold and fearless. She thought the evening’s choreography was different for the Real Housewife, but is glad she is pushing herself. Len would like to see her come out and show him what she’s fully capable of. Julianne thought Erika was hot and hopes for more hip action moving forward. Bruno admires how she comes out knowing that she’s got it, and has no issue flaunting it. He tells her to refine the technique and if she applies that to everything, she will go far in the competition.
Carrie Ann- 8, Len- 7, Julianne- 7, Bruno- 8 = 30/40
Simone and Sasha- Viennese Waltz
Unarguably the best gymnast of all time and most decorated, Simone dealt a rough hand growing up as her birth mother struggled with drug abuse, forcing her to be placed in a foster home. The gold medalist’s most memorable year was when she was finally adopted. Her and Sasha’s Viennese Waltz to “Good Good Father” started and finished in tears. Not just Simone’s either. We just drowned in a puddle of our own. Len declared the routine as her best dance to date. Julianne said the dance was what she has been waiting for and was thrilled to see her stray away from the idea of perfection. Bruno thought Simone danced beautifully and really wore her heart on her sleeve. Carrie Ann noted how Simone is used to being a soloist, but her trust in Sasha when she felt weak is what ultimately made the dance.
Carrie Ann- 9, Len- 9, Julianne- 9, Bruno- 9 = 36/40
Bonner and Sharna- Foxtrot
After being involved in a bull riding accident that left him temporarily paralyzed a little over 12 months ago, Bonner has not allowed the near-death experience to hold him back. Alongside Sharna, the model reinvented himself and performed a foxtrot to “Feeling Good” by Michael Bublé. Julianne said she was “feeling good” after that routine. She felt a huge difference from last week’s dance, making it known that Bonner was the one leading Sharna out on the floor. Bruno thought Sharna mirrored the concept and content perfectly, admiring her choreography. He also said Bonner can do anything he applies himself to. Carrie Ann believes Bonner’s authenticity is effortless. Len thinks his footwork is a little bit “suspect,” but welcomes him to the competition.
Carrie Ann- 8, Len- 8, Julianne- 8, Bruno- 8 = 32/40
After a night of such enchanting dances that put us fully in our feels, it was difficult coming to terms with one couple immediately being sent home. The results revealed that Mr. T and Kym and Erika and Gleb received the lowest amount of votes. We wound up having to say goodbye to Mr. T and Kym and let us just say, we pity the fool who is not casting their DWTS votes.
So, who are you voting for in the competition? Make sure to let us know, @CelebMix.