As you can imagine, after he lost his deportation appeal, Joe Giudice was no short of heartbroken! However, the man is determined to keep on fighting and do whatever he can to avoid being sent to Italy forever.
After all, not only is America the country he’s lived in all his life, his entire family is also here! The stakes are very high!
At this time, however, the situation doesn’t look too good for him after he lost his deportation appeal.
Now, one source close to the Giudice family shares with HollywoodLife that ‘Joe Giudice is absolutely heartbroken and devastated that his appeal in his deportation case was denied. However, he plans to keep fighting.’
Real Housewives of New Jersey star and Joe’s wife, Teresa Giudice has made it very clear before that she has no intention to move their four daughters to Italy just to be with him as a family.
She believes it’s best for the girls to continue their lives in the U.S. and Joe agrees.
That being said, he also thinks he doesn’t deserve to be deported.
‘He truly believes he does not deserve to go to Italy. He will stop at nothing until he can be home again with his girls and his family. He feels like he is truly living a nightmare and has never felt more miserable. The facility at ICE is way worse than in prison in Pennsylvania. Joe wasn’t expecting it to be as bad as it was. The one thing keeping him going right now are his daughters,’ the source went on to say.
Speaking of the daughters, the insider mentioned that they are very ‘distraught’ over this situation.