Muchnick.net sent along the following:
Phil Mushnick Writes Foreword
To Irvin Muchnick’s CHRIS & NANCY,
Story of Benoit Murder-Suicide
JULY 1, 2009—Both Phil Mushnick, the award-winning New York Post columnist, and author Irvin Muchnick would be “Top 10” if Vince McMahon and World Wrestling Entertainment kept an “enemies list,” Mushnick writes in the Foreword of Muchnick’s forthcoming book, CHRIS & NANCY: The True Story of the Benoit Murder-Suicide and Pro Wrestling’s Cocktail of Death.
Columnist Mushnick – who is not related to book author Muchnick – says the case of WWE star Chris Benoit, one of the most sensational crime stories of 2007, “cried out for the scrutiny of someone with a longer attention span and more intellectual integrity than the local authorities, the media, and Congress brought to bear on it. If you can read what Irv has dug up and continue to turn your head, then your powers of denial exceed mine.”
CHRIS & NANCY, published by ECW Press, is expected to be in stores around September 15. Phil Mushnick’s Foreword can be viewed at this link.
The cover and blurb copy of CHRIS & NANCY can be viewed at muchnick.net/benoitbookcover.pdf.
Complete pre-order information, including international links to Amazon.com, is at Benoitbook.com.