In a heart-wrenching turn of events, the Filipino singer, actor, and politician Marco Sison faced an unimaginable loss. His grandson, Andrei Sison, a young and promising teenage actor, tragically lost his life in a car accident in Quezon City on March 24, 2023.
Marco Sison: A Musical Journey
Marco Sison’s journey in the entertainment industry began in the late 1970s and early 1980s when he triumphed in a singing contest on GMA Network’s noontime variety show. He quickly became one of the iconic voices of Original Pilipino Music (OPM) in the 80s. His timeless romantic and easy-listening music captured the hearts of many. In 1991, Universal Records released “Best of Marco Sison,” featuring his signature style. “After All These Years” followed in 1992, showcasing his enduring talent.
A Grandfather’s Grief
In a recent interview, Marco Sison couldn’t hold back his emotions as he fondly remembered his grandson, Andrei Sison. The young actor, under Sparkle GMA Artist Center, had a promising future ahead of him. Sadly, Andrei, along with two others, lost their lives in a tragic car accident.
Marco expressed his deep sadness over the incident, emphasizing that Andrei had so much more to experience in life. He described Andrei as full of life, promising, and exceptionally talented. The loss of his grandson at such a young age weighed heavily on Marco’s heart.
A Heartfelt Tribute
Marco Sison shared the devastating coincidence that he had once fallen from the third floor of their condominium and emerged unscathed. However, Andrei, despite wearing a seatbelt in the car, couldn’t be saved. Marco not only praised Andrei’s talent but also highlighted his kind and obedient nature. He fondly recalled the humorous exchanges they would share, where jokes were a constant.
A Father’s Heartache
Amidst his own grief, Marco Sison expressed his concern for his son, Alain Marco, who was profoundly affected by the loss of Andrei. He reflected on the unusual turn of events where parents typically pass before their children, making it an exceptionally heartbreaking experience for him as a father.
The entire family is grappling with the sudden and tragic loss of both Alain and Andrei. Marco expressed gratitude for the messages and condolences they’ve received, acknowledging that the outpouring of love and remembrance from friends and well-wishers would help them navigate the grieving process.
In Loving Memory
Andrei Sison’s untimely departure leaves a void in the hearts of his loved ones and fans. As they remember him, they hold onto the cherished moments and the promising future that was cut short. In this time of profound grief, the Sison family finds solace in the love and support of those who remember Andrei with affection and fondness.
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