When the battery is on, press the button 3 times fast to change the voltage. What does it mean if my battery is blinking red? The battery is either dead or not getting charged. The charger will show a red light if the battery is charging and a green light if it is fully charged.Click to see full answer. Furthermore, why is my charger blinking red?Occasionally, the charger might show blinking red right to indicate bad batteries. If the light blinks red in about 90 seconds after battery insertion, then the battery voltage is too low. Leave the batteries in the charger, while the light continues to blink red, for about 24 hours. why does my Juul keep blinking green? A Juul blinking green will occur under normal circumstances after you use your Juul or activate the battery check by tapping the device twice (in some instances by accident). It indicates a full or near-full battery. Hereof, why does my e cig charger stays green? The most coming cause for the vape charger to stay green all the time is the 510 connector needs a clean. If that doesn’t resolved the problem with your electronic cigarette, then the one of the wires could have broke off on the solder points of the board. If not look into the soldering connections inside it.What does a solid red light mean on a battery tender?flashing, and the red light is on, the battery is greater than 80% charged. and may be removed from the charger and used if necessary. Whenever. possible, leave the battery on charge until the green light is solid.